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Introducing uniform households means testing criteria for granting all types of social assistance, and improving the Techniques of Calculation of Family’s Aggregate Income for All Types of Social Assistance (UKR)

20.12.2010 File link

The main drawback of the current means-testing method for determining a claimant’s eligibility for social assistance is its inability to account earnings, which have no official confirmation, but are significant because of a large share of informal economy in Ukraine. The presentation provides an overview of conditions for implementing the hybrid means-testing method. In addition to the formal declared income, the method allows taking into account earnings from informal sources, such as informal employment, agricultural production, and assets. The hybrid means testing is based on the socio-economic characteristics of social assistance claimants, such as marital status, education level, employment, etc.

Thematic areas

  • Presentation (.ppt)
  • Publications
  • Social Protection