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Volodymyr Dubrovskyi

Vladimir Dubrovskiy is a Senior Economist at CASE Ukraine, Chief Expert at the Economic Expert Platform’s (formerly part of the RPR) group on tax reform. The main areas of his interest are macroeconomics, political and institutional economics, economic reforms, governance, corruption and interdisciplinary topics. He has worked with the World Bank, UNDP, GDN, OECD, CIPE, WEF, Transparency International, Chatham House, CEU and within the international programs of technical aid to the governments of Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. He is a principal author of the book “Eight Years after the Revolution of Dignity: What Has Changed in Ukraine during 2014-2021?” published at Ibidem press, Berlin. He is an author of a number of research papers and books on the issues of transformation in Ukraine, also participated in drafting of several government and political programs. Vladimir’s most important research works concern the issues of corruption, privatization, economic reforms, small and medium size business, deregulation, etc. M.Sc. in Theoretical Physics, Vladimir has 7-years experience in managing private sector business operations in various positions, up to the CEO of a small firm. Then he worked in consulting and business training, business software development, and economic policy analysis at the media. Since 1997 he worked at the HIID/CASE project on macroeconomic reform in Ukraine, and later became affiliated with CASE-Ukraine.
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