Today Ukraine is in the similar situation. Are Ukrainian entrepreneurs ready to use these chances? May it happen that free trade zone on the contrary would harm domestic economy, as it is often told? What things do exactly prevent domestic firms from taking advantage of new opportunities and how can the government help them in this (in particular, to use the experience of countries of Vysegrad four )? How to avoid risks, which may appear? Particularly, how to implement state policy of deregulation and creating of favorable business climate? What else is needed to be done to help domestic business to use new opportunities in the best way?
On June 23 all these questions will be discussed at the round table “Ukrainian Business before Launch of Free Trade Zone with EU: Expectations, Challenges and Needs”, which will be held by Center of social and economic research CASE Ukraine in Odessa with the support of Vyshegrad Foundation and OSI. The event will start at 2 P.M. at press-center Paritet (Semafornyi lane, 4, trade center Srednefontanskyi, 3 pavilion, 2 floor). Center CASE Ukraine’s senior economist Volodymyr Dubrovskyi will present the results of recently taken survey – opinion poll of enterprises and organizations-stakeholders (associations, state institutions etc). Financial consultant Eugen Dyakonov will speak on deregulation.